7 Key Qualities of a Good Essay Every Writer Should Know

Writing an essay is important for learners who want to express their opinions or arguments. Therefore, knowing the qualities of a good essay is a keen concern, so making the best composition should not be difficult. There is no hard and fast ruling that can be considered standard for a compelling composition. 

However, some general markers must accompany any essay write-up, irrespective of the type of essay. This article is going to explore those aspects. As a result, collecting and organising arguments in your essays will accompany the quality that comes with a professional write-up or expertise in academic writing. 

Moreover, if the topic discussed in the article is not your forte due to your lack of expertise, you can avail yourself of essay writing services from a reliable source. The experts can create a cohesive and impactful piece of writing. 

Coming back to the topic, to learn about the top qualities of a good essay, read some factors as mentioned in the upcoming section. 

What Are the Top Qualities of a Good Essay?

While writing an essay, you must take care of every technical point in your as it has to be checked by the examiner. Any mistake, whether it’s composition, structure, or even a flaw in the argument, may impact the grades. Hence, you must be aware of how you can craft a coercive composition to grasp the reader’s attention. 

Following are some qualities of good essays in this regard. 

1. Focused on the Topic 

Among the qualities of a good essay, being focused while writing is crucial. There is a central idea that resonates in the mind of the reader from start to end. For instance, consider you are writing an essay on the topic of why the production of cigarettes should be illegal. 

Here, you need to be focused on why the production of such products should outlawed. You are not supposed to jump on angles like how these chemicals can be helpful for some and how to make them available to the masses. 

2. Small Volume

It is true that when you are writing creatively, you just want to write in the flow without any certain break. However, the impactful volume of the essay is also crucial. Writing long stances on the central theme can be tempting, but what if it comes up with the repetition of ideas or bores the reader? So, express your opinion concisely and clearly. However, even if a lot of data is available, you can filter it to choose the most relevant one. 

3. Development

An essay must have a good flow and logical development of the main theme. Each word, phrase or paragraph you write should expand on the main idea. It is good to use as many examples, details or descriptions to make the point clear. 

Also, the more descriptive your writing is, the better you can develop the story for the reader. Moreover, if retaining the central theme to develop a good structure of the essay is difficult for you, then seek essay writing help from native UK writers. 

Moreover, it is better to look at an example to comprehend this idea more clearly as part of the qualities of a good essay. 

Good Essay Examples

The medium provides an example of a reflective essay, which is noteworthy in describing good essay qualities. 


4. The Ease

As we have discussed, to write a good essay, you need to make contact with the reader. The arguments need to be clear, but they should not be written in a strict form. Although academic writings are always formal, and you can’t be personal here to connect with the reader, you can use some gestures anyway. 

For instance, while providing the information, you can proceed with “by the way” so that the reader feels like you are referring to him. Don’t start a deeply personal discussion, but use some jargon that makes readers feel like the write-up is meant for them. 

5. The Paradox

One of the best characteristics of a good essay is that it should be able to surprise the reader. It is quite obvious and generic to write the arguments straightforwardly. To make it special and more interesting, you can use paradoxical definitions or phenomena that appear surprisingly in the text. It is because these good essay features boost the suspense and curiosity of the reader. 

These exclusive statements will first take the reader to make a mindset and then simultaneously give a surprise by presenting unexpected solutions. The use of abstracts and aphorisms is helpful in this regard. 

6. Quotations and Hooks

The hooks of the easy are the curiosity-creating sentences that are helpful to enhance the interest of the reader. These wistful phrases will compel the reader to find the answer to certain questions. This is how a bond will be created between the essay and the reader to keep the reader’s interest boosted throughout the discussion. 

Here are the types of hooks that must be known to learn about the qualities of a good essay. 

  • Question Hook: You ask the reader something that they can try to think about. 
  • Quotation Hook: A quotation is used to show its relevance to the topic. 
  • Statistic Hook: It is mostly used for informational writing. 
  • Anecdotal Hook: Here, the writer uses the short story to gain the reader’s attention. 

7. Avail of Academic Writing Services 

Students are just obsessed with getting an “A” grade in their essay write-up without any hassle. The point arises: is it possible? In your college or University, you are supposed to write several essays as a part of academics. Here, working on the quality of each piece of writing seems challenging. Even if you manage to write multiple essays within the given timeframe, which quality it will bore up is suspicious. Hence, if you buy essays online, you can free yourself from the worry of their quality. 


Whenever a student is assigned an essay to write, their concern is what the qualities of a good essay are. Although there is no hard and fast rule concerning it, the above guide can be helpful in some sort. No matter which type of essay you are writing, we have discussed points describing the traits of a good essay. Above all the markers that have been discussed above, being focused and keen on your main point grabs most of the attention. 

The main purpose of such essays is to tell the reader how a particular stance is solid, depending on the related arguments available. So, being concise and clear in your discussion will encourage the reader to read or agree with the central idea if presented professionally. 

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